Philippine Army installs new AGSMO chief

The Philippine Army installed a new Army Governance and Strategy Management Office (AGSMO) chief in a Change of Chief of Office Ceremony on Monday, January 31, 2022, at the Headquarters Philippine Army (HPA), Fort Bonifacio, Metro Manila.
Incoming AGSMO chief Col. Rodrigo Magallanes formally assumed the post from outgoing chief, Col. Joel Paloma in a turnover ceremony presided by Chief of Staff, Philippine Army (CSPA) Maj. Gen. Roberto Capulong.
Prior to his assumption, Col. Magallanes served as AGSMO deputy since April 2021. He held key positions at the Joint Task Force Central of the AFP Western Mindanao Command and as Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence of the 6th Infantry Division.
Col. Magallanes is a member of Philippine Military Academy (PMA) “Maalab” Class of 1993. He holds a Master in National Security Administration from the National Defense College of the Philippines and a Master in Public Management from the Development Academy of the Philippines.
Meanwhile, Col. Paloma will now assume as Assistant Division Commander of the 4th Infantry Division after leading AGSMO for four years. He is a member of PMA “Sambisig” Class of 1991. He holds a Diploma in Strategy and Defence Studies from the University of Malaya in Malaysia.
“True to your name Paloma, which translates to ‘dove,’ you will be instrumental in our mission of attaining lasting peace and protecting freedom and democracy, especially with this coming national and local elections in May 2022,” the CSPA said.
“Col. Magallanes, we have our work here in HPA cut out for us. Let us double our efforts and boost our collaboration with all HPA offices and PA Major Units to ensure the success of our ATR’s third and final base camp,” Maj. Gen. Capulong said.
“Now, more than ever, the Command expects the committed service of AGSMO as we execute our third and last base camp wherein we aim to achieve our full potential as a world-class Army by 2028,” the CSPA remarked.
Photo: Pfc Rodgen Quirante PA/ OACPA