CGPA visits Startroopers Division

The Commanding General Philippine Army (CGPA) Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner, Jr. visits the troops of the 5th Infantry “Star” Division (5ID) on February 11, 2022, at Camp Melchor F. Dela Cruz, Upi, Gamu, Isabela.
The troops, led by 5ID Commander Maj. Gen. Laurence E. Mina, welcomed the CGPA as he reiterated his three thrusts and two tasks.
The CGPA assured the troops of his guidance to take care of the physical and mental health of the soldiers and their families, enhance their skills and unit competencies, and provide resources to the units to further support their mission capabilities.
Lt. Gen. Brawner shared to the troops the importance of these thrusts to achieve victory against the enemies of the state and ensure peaceful national elections. He also reminded the Startroopers to practice their rights of suffrage and to remain non-partisan.
During his visit, the CGPA emphasized the importance of servant leadership and shared insights for the accomplishment of the Army's mission.
Photo: Pfc Rodgen Quirante PA/OACPA