61IB seizes CNTs arms cache, supplies in Miagao, Iloilo

Operating troops of the Army's 61st Infantry Battalion (61IB) of 3rd Infantry Division captured war materiel and food supplies stashed in an abandoned hideout of CPP-NPA Terrorists (CNTs) in Barangay Onop, Miagao, Iloilo on February 13, 2022.
61IB troops, acting on a tip-off from a former rebel who surrendered on January 2022, captured at the CNT hideout twenty-seven magazines of AK47, eight rounds of cartridge, 40mm HE Ball and 100 kilograms of rice.
It can be recalled that the NPA’s Southern Front, Komiteng-Rehiyunal Panay suffered a major blow after their top leader Joven Ceralvo and several of his comrades died in an encounter with 61IB troops in Miagao hinterlands.
Army Commanding General Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner, Jr., lauded 61IB troops for capturing the CNT arms cache and supplies, effectively denying the communists-terrorists the means to attack troops and commit atrocities in communities.
For more details, see: https://www.facebook.com/61HunterBattalion/posts/311836297648363