PA, U.S. Special Forces start three-week training exercise

The Philippine Army’s Special Forces Regiment (Airborne) (SFRA) and U.S. Army Special Forces representatives opened the three-week Balance Piston 22-1 at Fort Ramon Magsaysay, Nueva Ecija on February 14, 2022.
Joint/Combined Exchange Training (JCET) Balance Piston 22-1 is an annual bilateral exercise that provides an avenue to Filipino and U.S. Special Forces to learn and exchange tactics, techniques, procedures, and best practices. It also tests and validates plans, procedures, and concepts to enhance collaboration and interoperability between Filipino and U.S. Special Forces.
Balance Piston 22-1, which will culminate on March 7, 2022, will focus on Human Rights and Law of Armed Conflict; Combat Management of Marksmanship Skills; Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Tactics Techniques, and Procedures; Command and Control Structure; Mission Planning; Unconventional Warfare Subject Matter Experts Exchange; Crisis Action Planning, Fundamentals of Reconnaissance; Find, Fix, Finish, Exploit, Analyze, Disseminate; Urban Reconnaissance; Tactical Combat Casualty Care; and a Culmination Exercise.
SFRA Acting Commander Col. Eliglen F. Villaflor, who served as the event's keynote speaker, said that the exercise will help SFRA identify operational capabilities and competency gaps. “Observe and learn from our U.S. Special Forces partners,” he said.
The annual exercise reinforces the thrust of Army Commanding General Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner, Jr., to enhance the skills of soldiers and competencies of Army units to further empower them in mission accomplishment.
Photo: Special Forces Regiment (Airborne), Philippine Army