Army commemorates retaking of Fort William McKinley

The Philippine Army joins the commemoration of the 77th Anniversary of the Retaking of Fort William McKinley at Larangang Hunters-ROTC Marker, Fort Bonifacio, Metro Manila on February 16, 2022.
Army Commanding General Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner, Jr., and Philippine Veterans Affairs Office Administrator Undersecretary Ernesto G. Carolina led the Wreath-Laying Ceremony in honor of the Hunters-ROTC Guerillas who fought for the liberation of Filipinos against the Japanese forces.
In his introductory remarks, Lt. Gen. Brawner paid tribute to the gallantry of the cadet soldiers and encouraged the troops to instill the values they exhibited during the momentous event.
“Certainly, our forefathers have lived up to the Philippine Army’s core values of honor, patriotism, and duty. Therefore, may their valiant sacrifices motivate us to exemplify and uphold the highest standard of service and excellence as servant leaders of the Filipino people,” remarked Lt. Gen. Brawner during the ceremony.
The 47th ROTC Division of the Hunters-ROTC Guerillas led the retaking of the Fort William McKinley, now known as Fort Andres Bonifacio. Despite the opponent's superiority in numbers, the Hunters-ROTC persistently launched an offense until they succeeded in overwhelming the Japanese forces in February 1945.
Photo: Pfc Rodgen Quirante/ OACPA