Army, Philippine Coconut Authority expands partnership deal

The Philippine Army and the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) forged an expanded partnership deal that will include local coconut growers, farmers’ cooperatives, and former rebels in a signing ceremony on February 16, 2022, at the Headquarters Philippine Army, Fort Bonifacio, Metro Manila.
Commanding General, Philippine Army (CGPA) Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner, Jr., and PCA Administrator Gen. Benjamin R. Madrigal, Jr., (Ret.) signed the Revised Memorandum of Partnership that covers PCA’s assistance in the use of open areas within military reservations that are suitable for coconut farming and the inclusion of coconut growers and cooperatives as program parties.
The revised deal also authorized Philippine Army Major Units to enter into localized partnerships with PCA. It also assured the Army’s logistical support to PCA in the implementation of programs related to the partnership.
The original Philippine Army-PCA deal, signed on July 20, 2020, supported the Army’s “Green Camp Program” which is in line with the national government’s anti-insurgency campaign and pandemic response efforts.
The CGPA said the signing of the expanded partnership deal shows the mutual commitment of the Army and PCA in attaining sustainable peace and security.
“Our meaningful partnership further alleviates the devastating impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and likewise uplifts the socioeconomic welfare of agriculture workers across the country,” the CGPA remarked.
Photo: Pfc Rodgen Quirante/ OACPA