91IB, NEPPO recovers CTG's war materiel in Bongabon, Nueva Ecija

oint elements from the Army's 91st Infantry Battalion of the 7th Infantry Division, and 1st PMFC-NEPPO seized guns, IED, and arms supplies of the dismantled Komiteng Larangang Guerrilla - Sierra Madre (KLG-SM) in Brgy. Labi, Bongabon, Nueva Ecija on February 18, 2022.
After receiving a tip off from a former rebel, 91IB was able to capture one magnum caliber 22, one caliber 22 magazines, 14 pieces of magnum caliber 22 ammunition, two non-electric blasting cap, one galvanometer, one generator set, one roll antenna wire, one alligator clip, two switches, one part battery cap 9 volts, 13 resistors, two empty containers, one improvised explosive device (IED), and one NPA flag.
Army Commanding General Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner Jr., commended the 91IB in capturing the war materiel of the CTG, which exemplified the active support of the community to end the communist insurgency.
For more details, see: https://www.facebook.com/100067470001270/posts/271804038411928/?sfnsn=mo