Five Philippine Defense and Armed Forces Attachés render courtesy call on CGPA

Five newly designated Philippine Defense and Armed Forces Attachés (PhilDAFAs) render a courtesy call on Army Commanding General Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner, Jr., on February 21, 2022 at the Headquarters Philippine Army, Fort Bonifacio, Metro Manila.
Lt. Gen. Brawner enjoined Col. Roderick T. Garcia, PhilDAFA to Thailand; Col. Joel A. Lobitaña, PhilDAFA to Malaysia; Col. Elpidio T. Factor, PhilDAFA to China; Col. Rolando P. Gomez, PhilDAFA to India; and Col. Dennis Q. Alcarde, Philippine Air Attaché to the USA, to best represent the Philippine military in the respective countries where they are assigned.
Newly installed PhilDAFAs serve as senior representatives of the AFP Chief of Staff and of the Secretary of National Defense in the respective countries they are assigned. They are primarily tasked to do all liaising activities and to serve as points of contact between the two countries’ defense and security-related agencies.
Photo: Pfc Rodgen Quirante PA / OACPA