CGPA visits home of Spearhead Troopers

Army Commanding General Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner, Jr., visited the headquarters of the 3rd Infantry “Spearhead” Division at Camp Gen. Macario B. Peralta, Jr., Jamindan, Capiz on February 25, 2022.
3ID Commander Maj. Gen. Benedict M. Arevalo led the arrival honors for the Army Chief who reiterated to Spearhead Troopers his three thrusts and two tasks encapsulated in the command guidance "SERVE.
In his “Talk to Troops,” Lt. Gen. Brawner has vowed to take care of the soldiers’ physical and mental health; enhance soldiers’ skills and unit capabilities; and push down resources to all units. He underscored that the three thrusts will capacitate the Army to achieve victory against threat groups and ensure a safe and orderly national and local polls on May 2022.
The CGPA reminded troops to practice their right of suffrage and to stay non-partisan, even on social media. He also tasked them to thwart the “permit to campaign” and “permit to win” extortion schemes employed by the Communist Terrorist Group (CTG) to obtain funding during the election season.
The Army Chief commended the “sterling leadership” of Maj. Gen. Arevalo who led Spearhead Troopers in scoring key victories against the CTG operating in the 3ID area of responsibility.
“As your Commanding General, follow me, and I will lead the way,” the CGPA concluded.
Photo: Philippine Army Spearhead Troopers