Army, Bounty Agro Ventures sign partnership deal for retired soldiers

Army Commanding General Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner, Jr., and Bounty Agro Ventures, Inc. (BAVI) President and Chief Executive Officer Ronald Mascariñas signed a Memorandum of Understanding that will lay the groundwork for the granting of livelihood incentives for retired soldiers in a virtual ceremony on February 24, 2022 in Fort Bonifacio, Metro Manila.
Lt. Gen. Brawner conveyed his gratitude to BAVI for the company’s “benevolence and care for the soldiers of the Philippine Army.”
The Army Chief also underscored that the Army-BAVI partnership is in line with his thrust to take care of soldiers and their families. “With your assistance, our retired soldiers are assured of a better life after retirement,” Lt. Gen. Brawner told Mr. Mascariñas and other BAVI officials who attended the virtual signing ceremony.
The Philippine Army, through its Army Personnel Management Center, has been implementing the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) to equip and prepare retirees in transitioning back to civilian life.
Photo: Pfc Rodgen Quirante PA/ OACPA