Army leads wreath-laying and interfaith service for 125th Founding Anniversary

The Philippine Army commemorates its 125th Founding Anniversary through a Wreath-laying Ceremony and Interfaith Prayer Service on March 3, 2022 at the Tomb of Unknown Soldiers, Libingan Ng Mga Bayani, Fort Bonifacio, Metro Manila.

The Commanding General Philippine Army (CGPA) Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner, Jr. graced the activity witnessed by the Army personnel and Army Veterans. During the activity, Lt. Gen. Brawner paid tribute to the fallen troops' gallantry and heroism which allowed the attainment of the Army's aspirations of achieving lasting peace and progress for the country.

The CGPA also recognized the efforts of the troops deployed to fight the seen and unseen enemies nationwide as he offered a prayer for their safety.

“To the men and women of the Philippine Army, may the memories of our dauntless soldiers remain our core inspiration and motivation. May we epitomize our heroes in all our endeavors as we continue to fulfill our sworn mandate of serving the people and securing the land,” said Lt. Gen. Brawner in his remarks.
Photo: PFC Rodgen Quirante PA/ OACPA