3IB pursues to end insurgency under 8ID

Operating troops of the 3rd Infantry Battalion vowed to continue the operations in ending the local armed conflict under their new unit, 8th Infantry Division.
3IB will coordinate with the local government units, stakeholders, and the community in support with the government’s campaign to end the communist insurgency. The troops will also work closely with the Philippine National Police to ensure the peaceful and orderly elections especially in the “red” areas.
Army Commanding General Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner, Jr. highlighted the government’s fight against the CPP NPA Terrorist (CNT) particularly that the local units hold an important part on advising its constituents about the negative impact of joining the Communist Terrorist Groups (CTG).
For more details, see: https://www.facebook.com/100067470001270/posts/278540701071595/?d=n