Philippine Army kicks-off two-day 14th Senior Leaders Conference

The Philippine Army kicked-off on March 16, 2022, the two-day 14th Senior Leaders Conference (SLC)—an annual summit which aims to cultivate the culture of strategic thinking within the organization and introduce effective leadership principles to the Army top brass—at Fort Bonifacio, Metro Manila.
This year’s SLC is anchored on the theme “Driving the Transformation Momentum: Winning Tomorrow’s Wars Today.” A pool of local and foreign subject matter experts delivered online lectures on the future of warfare and its implications on Army concepts and capabilities; and rethinking military leadership strategies on the event's first day.
The symposium, which was first held in 2004, is part of the series of month-long events to celebrate the 125th founding anniversary of the Philippine Army. Philippine Army Major Units commanders attended the event physically at the Philippine Army Officers’ Clubhouse while other senior leaders joined via video teleconferencing.
“Conducting the SLC annually is a testament to the premium that we put in broadening the perspective of the Army’s senior leaders. A broader perspective, together with critical thinking, foresight, thirst for knowledge, and drive to innovate will ensure the Army’s growth and responsiveness in the years to come,” Commanding General, Philippine Army (CGPA) Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner, Jr., said in his remarks.
“If we want to win our future wars, we should start investing in what really matters today,” Lt. Gen. Brawner said.
Photos: Pfc Rodgen V Quirante Philippine Army/OACPA