ACGPA visits home of “Kaugnay” troopers

Army Vice Commander Maj. Gen. Henry M. Doyaoen, who recently served as Acting Commanding General, Philippine Army (ACGPA), visited the home of the 7th Infantry “Kaugnay” Division (7ID) troopers in Fort Magsaysay, Nueva Ecija on April 4, 2022.

7ID troops, led by Division Commander Maj. Gen. Andrew D. Costelo, led the arrival honors for ACGPA.
“True to your moniker ‘Kaugnay,' you have shown in every occasion your capacity to link the Army here in Central Luzon with the communities and other stakeholders towards our common aspiration of inclusive peace and sustainable progress,” the ACGPA said in his “Talk to Troops.”

Maj. Gen. Doyaoen reiterated the Army leadership’s commitment to fully support the division in accomplishing its mission objectives. He also expressed confidence that the Army, together with its peace partners, will emerge victorious against state enemies.

“As I bow out of military service this May, I thank you all for being a part of our transformed Army – a disciplined, professional, capable and responsive Army that we are all proud of,” the ACGPA concluded.

Photo: Sgt Cesar Lopez Philippine Army/ OACPA
7th Infantry (Kaugnay) Division, Philippine Army


