Army conducts Female Personnel Empowerment Activity

The Philippine Army through the Office of the Army Gender and Development (OAGAD) conducted a Female Personnel Empowerment Activity geared towards creating a platform for female soldiers to come together, building camaraderie, and supporting each other’s personal growth at Ricarte Hall, Philippine Army Headquarters, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City on October 26, 2023.
The activity is part of the PA Female Personnel Empowerment Program which aims to foster gender equality, support the advancements of women’s careers, and create a more inclusive and diverse military environment. The event was conducted through a series of specialized training, mentoring, and networking opportunities, which are designed to empower women within the military ranks. Female personnel from the Philippine Army Headquarters and Support Units attended the activity through video teleconference and face-to-face.
The Army Chief Lt. Gen. Roy M. Galido commended the OAGAD for facilitating the conduct of Female Personnel Empowerment Activity which allows female soldiers to realize their self-worth, ability to determine their own choices, and their right to influence social change which are crucial to the success of their mission within the organization.
Photos by G7, HHSG