PH Army, Royal Brunei Land Forces talk future collaborations

FORT BONIFACIO, Metro Manila – The Commanding General Philippine Army (CGPA) met with the Commander, Royal Brunei Land Force (RBLF) through a virtual teleconference here on September 21, 2020.

Lt. Gen. Cirilito E. Sobejana and Brig. Gen. Haji Muhammad Haszaimi Bin Bol Hassan shared their countries’ COVID-19 response and their armed forces’ role in mitigating the spread of the pandemic. The CGPA expressed his gratitude to the Government of Brunei Darussalam for their donation of COVID-19 testing kits to the Philippines and also reiterated his support to future bilateral relations with RBLF even in the midst of the pandemic.

“We must continue and sustain the defense and security initiatives between Philippines and Brunei. Through our strong collaboration with other armies such as the RBLF, we will overcome any threats that will come our way, be it against man or an invisible enemy,” he said. #