Philippine Army, U.S. Army Pacific hold site exploitation exercises

Philippine Army troops and their U.S. Army Pacific counterparts concluded on April 1, 2022, their four-day site exploitation training which is part of the Balikatan Exercises in Fort Magsaysay, Nueva Ecija.

The exercise is among the eight Philippine Army-U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) combined interoperability drills, covering a spectrum of military operations.

Personnel from the Philippine Army’s 92nd Infantry Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division; 1st Brigade Combat Team; and Army Support Command’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal Battalion conducted lectures and practical exercises with their counterparts from USARPAC’s Asia Pacific Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Center, G34 Protection Directorate; and 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division on various site exploitation tactics, techniques, and procedures.

Site exploitation involves recognition, collection, processing, preservation, and analysis of information, personnel, and materiel recovered during the conduct of operations.

Balikatan is an annual bilateral exercise geared at strengthening interoperability between Philippine and U.S. armed forces and improving their readiness to respond to various security threats and crises.

Photos: Sgt Sanny E Palatao PA/ OG7, TRADOC, PA



