Army receives new mine/IED search and detection vehicles

The Philippine Army has received its new Vehicle Mounted Mine Detector (VMMD) that will be utilized by its 525th Engineer Combat Battalion, the humanitarian assistance and disaster response (HADR) unit of the 51st Engineer Brigade.

The up-armored and modified tractors will be deployed to conduct mine detection and clearing operations. The new assets, which are acquired through a government-to-government deal between the Philippines and the U.K., are part of the Horizon 2 (2018 to 2022) projects under the Revised AFP Modernization Program.

Among the other recently acquired big-ticket projects for the Philippine Army under Horizon 2 are the Armor Division's armored mortar carriers and the Artillery Regiment's ATMOS 155mm self-propelled howitzer.

The Philippine Army is set to receive two more VMMD on July 2023.

Photos: Sgt Cesar Lopez Philippine Army/ OACPA
525th Engineer Combat Battalion


