Army joins search and rescue efforts for Leyte landslide victims

The Philippine Army deployed on April 14, 2022 an 18-man team that will assist in the search and rescue efforts for victims of massive landslides that buried dozens in Baybay City, Leyte.

The team departed from Villamor Airbase, Pasay City to Tacloban, Leyte via the Philippine Air Force's C-295 plane on Thursday morning and will be deployed to augment responders who are conducting search and rescue efforts for landslide victims in Baybay City and Abulog, Leyte.

Eastern-Visayas based 8th Infantry Division has deployed HADR teams to clear landslide-hit roads; distribute aid for displaced families; and rescue stranded families in flooded communities since “Agaton” pummeled the region over the weekend. For its part, the 546th Engineer Combat Battalion deployed search and rescue teams and HADR equipment to landslide-hit barangays in Baybay City and Mahaplag, Leyte. The 63rd, 14th, 19th, 43rd, and 87th Infantry Battalions also deployed disaster response teams to help calamity-stricken families in Baybay City.

8ID disaster response units — in close coordination with local disaster risk reduction and management offices and other government agencies — remain on alert even as “Agaton" has already dissipated.

Army Commanding General Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner, Jr., stressed the importance of bolstering the Army’s HADR capabilities amid the perennial threat posed by typhoons, floods and other natural calamities. “Rest assured, the Philippine Army will continue to work ‘round the clock to help ease the suffering of our typhoon-stricken countrymen,” the Army Chief said.

Photos: 8th Infantry Division, Philippine Army


