Army troops, reservists step up HADR efforts for “Agaton” victims

Army troops and reservists stepped up their humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts for victims of floods and landslides caused by tropical cyclone “Agaton” in the Visayas on April 13 to 14, 2022.

The Reserve Command, Philippine Army's 604th Community Defense Center (CDC) and 130 reservists from the 604th Ready Reserve Infantry Battalion repacked and distributed aid for flood victims in Oton, Viejo and Batad towns in eastern Iloilo. Meanwhile, the Eastern Visayas-based 8th Regional Community Defense Center (RCDG) and the 804 CDC deployed reservists to assist in search and retrieval efforts for landslide victims in Barangay Bunga, Baybay City, Leyte and Barangay Cadac-an, Abuyog, Leyte

It can recalled that the 3rd and 8th Infantry Divisions deployed humanitarian assistance and disaster response (HADR) teams in the wake of the floods and landslides left by “Agaton,” the first tropical cyclone to affect the country this year. The HADR teams, hand in hand with responders from other government agencies and local government units, cleared landslide-hit roads; distributed aid for displaced families; rescued stranded families in flooded communities; and helped in the search and retrieval efforts for landslide victims.

Commanding General, Philippine Army (CGPA) Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner, Jr., stressed the importance of beefing up the reserve force that will effectively complement the Army’s regular force. The Philippine Reservists Act (Republic Act 7077) mandates reserve units to assist relief and rescue efforts during calamities and socio-economic development initiatives.

Photos: 604th & 804th Ready Reserve Infantry Battalion, PA


