Army troops, reservists haul aid for quake victims in Abra epicenter

Nearly 200 troops and reservists under the 14th Regional Community Defense Group (14RCDG) of the Reserve Command, Philippine Army are continuously hauling aid for families affected by the destructive quake in Abra on July 28, 2022.
The troops and reservists are working ‘round the clock to haul essential supplies at the Department of Social Welfare and Development compound at Zone 7, Bangued, Abra. The supplies will be distributed to families in quake-stricken communities in Abra, the epicenter of the magnitude-7 quake that left billions of pesos worth of infrastructure and property damage in Northern Luzon.
Army units in Northern Luzon bolstered their standby forces amid strong aftershocks. Troops and reservists, along with government responders and other volunteers, also conducted clearing landslide-hit roads in affected areas on top of the humanitarian assistance and disaster response missions.
Army Commanding General Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner, Jr., has vowed to prioritize the development of the Army’s reserve force that serves as force multipliers in times of calamities and other national emergencies.
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