AFP Deputy Chief of Staff for Education, Training and Doctrine visits HPA

The Armed Forces of the Philippines Deputy Chief of Staff for Education, Training and Doctrine, J8, Commodore Donn Anthony L. Miraflor rendered a courtesy call on Army Commanding General Lt. Gen. Romeo S. Brawner, Jr., at the Headquarters Philippine Army, Fort Bonifacio, Metro Manila on July 29, 2022.
Commodore Miraflor, during the visit, apprised Lt. Gen. Brawner of the AFP’s education and training and doctrine development-related plans and policies.
Lt. Gen. Brawner and Commodore Miraflor also discussed education, training and doctrine-related issues and concerns and the development of Combat Readiness Training Areas (CRTA) in the three major islands of the country.
It can be noted that the Philippine Army is currently developing Fort Magsaysay in Nueva Ecija as the Luzon CRTA and Camp Kibaritan in Bukidnon as the Mindanao CRTA. CRTAs are facilities envisioned to develop PA’s capabilities in combined arms operations.
Photos: SSg Cesar P Lopez Philippine Army
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