Philippine and US Armies build a multi-purpose HADR werehouse in Batanes

The 513th Engineer Construction Battalion (513ECBn) of the 51st Engineer Brigade (51EBde), Philippine Army together with the US Army troops, conducted a dedication ceremony to commemorate the completion and hand-over of a multi-purpose Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response (HADR) facility in Itbayat, Batanes on June 17, 2024.
The supply warehouse was built for the Local Government Unit of Batanes to support its HADR capabilities in times of disaster that will serve as a storage warehouse for relief goods and other HADR essential supplies. The project was started last May 11, 2024 and is part of the Philippine Army-US Army Humanitarian Civic Assistance activities under the Combined PH-US Exercise Salaknib 2024.
The ceremony was attended by local government officials of Batanes together with the troops of the 51Ebde and Warrant Officer Elissa Anne Pedelty, Project Officer, US Army. The construction of the HADR warehouse is integral to disaster preparedness and response strategies, enabling effective management, distribution, and utilization of resources critical for saving lives and mitigating the impact of disasters on affected communities.
Photos from 513ECBn, 51Ebde