CGPA meets with the Spanish Army Logistics Chief

Army Commanding General Lt. Gen. Roy M. Galido met with the Chief of the Spanish Army Logistic Support Command Lt. Gen. Fernando García y García de las Hijas for a bilateral meeting during the Eurosatory 2024 in Paris, France on June 19, 2024.
Both generals discussed the development of cooperative activities in the areas of defense and security between the Philippine Army and the Spanish Army. Lt. Gen. Galido also conveyed his appreciation for the global reach of Spain’s defense industries which can support the Philippines, particularly its Self-Reliant Defense Program (SRDP).
Eurosatory 2024 is an annual land and airland defense and security exhibition organized by the French land defense and security industry association. It can be noted that the PA is currently embarking on sustained capability enhancement through the AFP Modernization Program.