

To enhance professionalism, promote honesty and integrity in the military service, instill ethical standards, and inculcate a strong sense of public accountability among personnel in the pursuit of a common commitment against graft and corruption in the Philippine Army.



By 2028: An Army that exhibits the highest degree of integrity, honesty, ethical standards, public accountability, and professionalism.





In October 1991, the General Headquarters (GHQ) devolved the Ethical Standards and Public Accountability (ESPA) into Major Service Commands. Afterward, General Orders No.828 activated the ESPA in the Philippine Army (PA) on 03 October 1991. During this time, the OACESPA is commonly known as OESPA, PA, and has three (3) divisions.

On 29 October 1992, under the Staff Memorandum Nr 4, HPA, the Public Accountability/Statement of Assets and Liabilities (SALN) section was added under the Intelligence and Investigation Branch. Meanwhile, the Professional & Graft Prevention section was formerly under the Admin Branch became an independent branch.

After almost five (5) years, the Public Accountability/SALN section was separated from the Intelligence and Investigation Branch to become an independent branch, now adding another branch to the office. The five (5) branches are Admin Branch, Intelligence & Investigation Branch, Legal Branch, Professional & Graft Prevention Branch, and Public Accountability/SALN Branch.

In 2017, Staff Memorandum Nr. G4-14 has removed the Legal Branch from OESPA, PA, thereby reducing the number of branches to four (4)

In 2018, as per the recommendation of the PA Force Restructure and Organizational Development Committee (FROD-C), OESPA, PA was renamed to OACESPA (Office of the Army Chief Ethical Standards and Public Accountability). The renaming of the office was simultaneous with the other HPA offices, intended for the uniformity of offices in the HPA.