Military Ordinate of the Philippines visits 11ID

Camp Bautista, Jolo, Sulu - June 6, 2023

Most Reverend Oscar Jaime L. Florencio, Bishop of the Military Ordinate of the Philippines paid a courtesy visit on Maj. Gen Ignatius N. Patrimonio, Commander of the 11th Infantry "Alakdan" Division at Camp Teodulfo Bautista, Barangay Busbus, Jolo, Sulu on June 5, 2023.

In his message, Bishop Florencio said, "I intend to have my pastoral visit to the military camps to assure members of the military of our support, prayers, and assistance. It is also my way of telling every troops that I am taking care and praying for them which will serve as a morale booster for them.”

Meanwhile, Maj. Gen. Patrimonio expressed his profound gratitude to Bishop Florencio, for taking the time to visit the division saying, "This is the first time that a military bishop visited Sulu, this is why the 11th Infantry Division is very fortunate for your pastoral visit. This will help boosts our soldiers' morale and deepen their trust in God while we perform our mandated task in the attainment of long lasting peace in the province of Sulu."

During his pastoral visit, Bishop Florencio officiated the Holy Mass and Rite for Dedication of Camp Teodulfo Bautista Chapel and Altar. The mass was attended by the soldiers, airmen, and civilian human resources of the Division.

The Military Ordinate of the Philippines serves as a personal diocese for the men and women of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the Philippine National Police, the Philippine Coast Guard, the Bureau of Fire Protection, and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology.
