CGPA celebrates Alakdan Division's 5th Founding Anniversary; fosters peace and stability in Sulu

Camp Bautista, Jolo, Sulu - December 6, 2023

The 11th Infantry Division celebrated its 5th Founding Anniversary graced by Lt. Gen. Roy M. Galido, Commanding General, Philippine Army at its headquarters at Camp Teodulfo Bautista, Barangay Busbus, Jolo, Sulu on December 4, 2023.

Lt. Gen. Roy M. Galido was received by Maj. Gen. Ignatius N. Patrimonio, Commander, 11th Infantry Division and Joint Task Force (JTF) Orion. He was accorded with full military honors by the officers, enlisted personnel, and civilian human resources.

Thereafter, the proposed lockers for mass production for the female barracks were presented to Lt. Gen. Galido. He also officiated the Unveiling of Marker of the Alakdan Clubroom and the Alakdan VIP Lounge. Likewise, he also had a talk with the troops where he lauded the efforts of Alakdan Troopers throughout the years.

During the event, the 11th Infantry Division conferred the plaque of recognition to its partner stakeholders for their contributions to 11ID. Maj. Samir S. Abdurasad and Sgt. Regnom R Gabule were recognized as the Best Officer and Best Enlisted Personnel while CAA Mohammad Udding was awarded as Outstanding CAA of the Division.

Mr. Jeffrey Nigos was awarded the best Civilian Human Resource while 1103rd Infantry Brigade and 100th Infantry Battalion as Best Brigade and Battalion, respectively.

Meanwhile, Maj. Gen. Patrimonio lauded the support of the local government units and commended the untiring efforts of the troops in the 11ID's peace and security campaign, stating, "We have achieved many milestones and accomplishments together with our partner stakeholders. As we celebrate our 5th Founding Anniversary, let us take this opportunity to reflect on our past, appreciate our present, and look forward to our future."

"Let us renew our commitment to our mission of conducting development support and security operations to create an environment conducive to inclusive economic growth and human development in the province of Sulu," he added.

In his message, Lt. Gen. Galido expressed his gratitude and congratulated all the troops and partner stakeholders for their relentless contribution in the 11ID's accomplishments, saying, “I wanted to express my gratitude to all partner stakeholders who are here today celebrating with us. You have played a vital role in the success of 11ID’s mission. To sustain the peace and stability in Sulu, we need to have communication and cooperation. I always tell my soldiers to strive for excellence towards a disciplined and capable army.”

“Again, congratulations to 11ID for mission accomplishment. Indeed, your 5 years did produce great accomplishments and with a good foundation, a greater accomplishment ahead,” Lt. Gen. Galido concluded.

The event was graced by the Local Chief Executives, Provincial and Municipal officials, partner stakeholders from the academe, business sectors, youth sectors and non-government organizations, along with the JTF Orion Commanders and Staff.
