Looking Back, Moving Forward: Year-End 2023 and Action Plans and Programs 2024

The 9th Infantry “Spear” Division (9ID) embarked on a Year-End Review for 2023 and Action Plans and Programs for 2024 to improve Division-wide performance and address issues and concerns. These included institutionalizing staff gap solutions and best practices.

Since the first week of January, 20 syndicates composed of 105 officers and personnel have undertaken 28-day workshops. During these sessions, they meticulously dissected 37 systems, identifying gaps and areas for improvement. The insights gained from this process have been instrumental in shaping action plans, ensuring they are tailored fit to address specific needs and challenges of the Division on personnel, intelligence, operations, logistics, command, control, communication, and cyber system (C4S), civil-military operations (CMO), training, and financial management.

The Command aims to institutionalize these solutions and practices and make them integral part of 9ID systems. This ensures sustained excellence of the Division.

In his remarks, Major General Adonis R Bajao congratulated the syndicate members for their methodical review and plans and expressed confidence on them in promoting operational excellence, good governance, and values.