Jungle Fighters join 126th Independence Day commemoration

Jungle Fighters join 126th Independence Day commemoration
CAMP CAPINPIN, Rizal - Officers, enlisted personnel, and civilian human resource of the Army's 2nd Infantry “Jungle Fighter” Division (2ID) joined the Filipino nation in commemorating the country’s 126th Independence Day during the simultaneous Flag Raising Ceremony here, Wednesday, June 12.
Assistant Division Commander Brig. Gen. Jose Augusto Villareal delivered the messages of the Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief of Staff Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr., the Army Commanding General Lt. Gen. Roy Galido, and the 2ID Commander Maj. Gen. Roberto Capulong, emphasizing the importance of unity, resilience, and continued dedication to the principles of freedom and democracy.
In his remarks, Gen. Brawner called on the soldiers to continuously honor and serve the flag and the Filipino people, expressing his confidence that they will encourage more Filipinos to passionately embrace the flag and openly showcase their vigorous support for the nation.
Meanwhile, Lt. Gen. Galido in his message urged the troops to continue what our forefathers fought for the freedom of our Bagong Pilipinas, taking to heart and mind the lessons of history which reflect the unique bravery and unparalleled love of our ancestors for our motherland.
Brig. Gen. Villareal echoed the sentiments of Maj. Gen. Capulong in his message, underscoring the need for every Jungle Fighter to continue embodying the values of courage, dedication, and loyalty.
He also highlighted the importance of remembering the sacrifices made by Filipino heroes and the ongoing efforts required to preserve the nation's hard-won freedom.