SOLCOM chief lauds Jungle Fighters’ dedication during camp visit

SOLCOM chief lauds Jungle Fighters’ dedication during camp visit

CAMP CAPINPIN, Rizal - The Armed Forces of the Philippines’ Southern Luzon Command (SOLCOM) commander Lt. Gen. Facundo Palafox IV commended the steadfast commitment of the soldiers of the 2nd Infantry “Jungle Fighter” Division (2ID) during his visit here, Monday, June 10.

Assisted by the 2ID Commander Maj. Gen. Roberto Capulong and Lt. Gen. Palafox conferred awards to the outstanding officers and personnel of 2ID for their significant contributions to the Division’s mission.

 During his talk to the troops, Lt. Gen. Palafox IV expressed his appreciation to the Jungle Fighters for their accomplishments and commended them for their steadfast loyalty to the government, encouraging them to remain committed to the call of duty, and adherence to human rights, International Humanitarian Law, and the rule of law.

 The SOLCOM commander also commended the soldiers for their continued loyalty to the government and reminded them to utilize the chain of command within the organization to address concerns and maintain order and discipline.